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Tuesday Night Musings

Watching the movie Changeling… it was really interesting for the first hour or so, until the Canadian kid confessed to killing all the other kids, and now I’m kind of bored with it.  Sad- and kind of scary- that this was based on a true story, though.  I’m a little glad I wasn’t around in the 1920s… someone DEFINITELY would have had me thrown in the loony bin for being ‘hysterical’- aka not taking sh** from fascist authority figures.

Anyways.  Today was my first day since break began that I didn’t have to be anywhere- no rehearsals, no school workshops or meetings.  It was nice to have a day to myself- I can’t remember the last time that happened.  Here is how I spent my first real day of break:

-Woke up at noon.

-Ate macaroni and cheese for lunch.

-Went to Target.  Bought things.

-Got a smooooothie and a chocolate muffin from Robek’s– yum!

-Read on my back patio.

-Washed towels in the laundry and cleaned and put away the humidifiers for the summer.

-Had leftover spaghetti and leftover cupcakes (minus the frosting) for dinner.

-Watched the news.

-Went for an evening walk in the neighborhood.

-Took a quick shower and put on pj’s.

-Had some popcorn and a nectarine while watching Changeling.

Now there’s about 20 minutes left in Changeling, and I’m hungry again.  Maybe I’ll make a grilled cheese sandwich or something.  A lot of my day revolves around food, it seems.  I don’t eat a lot at once, but I do eat at a lot of different times during the day.  Oh, well- the proverbial ‘they’ say that’s better for your metabolism.

And speaking of good for you, reading is good for your brain- which is something I actually have time to do in the summer.  Here’s a sample of what I’ve been reading so far:


 I picked up The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo because it’s been a popular read for a while- and there’s a lot of hype about the movie, so I figured I would take a read myself.  It was mostly an interesting story- the murder mystery bit was good, but I didn’t care a lot about the main characters.  Especially the main guy, who slept with every female in the book.  Unbelievable.  Not from a feminist point of view… just straight up unbelievable- the guy had no real redeeming qualities to warrant women throwing themselves at him.  Ridic.


Margaret Atwood is one of my favorite authors, so I picked up Alias Grace because I hadn’t read it yet.  Based on an actual 1800s Canadian murder trial, the book swings back and forth between narration by the imprisoned Grace and the doctor who is examining her sanity.  I liked the book a lot, although the ending took a bit of a confusing supernatural turn.  Also not 100% believable, considering the rest of the novel remained pretty non-fantastical the rest of the time (there were one or two minor items, but the last item was just too major to be very believable, I think).  Still, a good read.


















This book I found at random, wandering through the bookshelves at the library.  It’s a collection of short stories by the same author.  I’ve read two so far- the stories all seem to take place in Beijing, and both main characters are very sad people.  But compelling to read about.  I love me some short stories, and so far I’m really liking Yiyun Li as a storyteller.


Ok, my movie is over.  That was kind of sad.  I think I’ll go make myself a grilled cheese (with a pickle) to cheer myself up.

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