Tag Archive | soundtrack songs

…can’t you hear that boom badoom boom boom badoom boom bass?

Summer is almost here.  People in the general public complain or joke all the time about teacher’s having all this time off in the summer, but I really think some kind of time off from teaching is necessary. First of all, I’m not getting paid for the time off- as in I still get paychecks […]

Here it Comes

It’s hot.  I love hot weather… LOVE IT- the sun, the warmth, the breezes that lift my hair and my spirits and make me feel like I’m flying as it circulates through my car when I’m driving- But hot does not make for good sleeping weather.  I turned on my air too late, and my […]

Pancakes and Pop Tunes

I think my new night time snack is mini-pancakes.  No syrup, no butter- just straight out of the toaster and warm and fluffy into my mouth… yum!  I tend to go through night time food fetishes, almost like a 5-year old who will eat nothing but macaroni and cheese.  When my brother was younger, he […]

Words Fall Through Me

So I woke up after a 3 hour nap this evening to the new show, “The Voice” on my television (ohhh… Adam Levine-   This Love  might still be my favorite music video… le sigh…)- Anyways.  There was a couple on that was on, and they sang this song -which I had totally forgotten about- […]

This is dedicated to the one I love…

Each night before you go to bed, my baby, Whisper a little prayer for me, my baby, And tell all the stars above- This is dedicated to the one I love.                                      -The Mamas and the Papas Hey there, readers.  It’s your favorite blogger here, turned your favorite blogger DJ.  What would be a good DJ […]