Pancakes and Pop Tunes

I think my new night time snack is mini-pancakes.  No syrup, no butter- just straight out of the toaster and warm and fluffy into my mouth… yum!  I tend to go through night time food fetishes, almost like a 5-year old who will eat nothing but macaroni and cheese.  When my brother was younger, he only ate mashed potatoes for some time.  Now he won’t eat them at all.

Mmm… mashed potatoes.  That’s a great after school meal.

Anyways, time for a song suggestion.  I’ve always liked Aerosmith, but I’ve never been a huge fan.  And everyone seems to be jumping on the Steven Tyler bandwagon now that he’s judging on American Idol, and I HATE to play into some blind pop culture cult following, but I really dig his new song:

It’s got a hot beat, and I really like his raw voice and energy in this song.  And maybe I can relate to it a bit in my life right now… it’s definitely my favorite radio song at the moment, the one that I HAVE to stop on if I come upon it while I’m flipping through stations, and a great song for summer: sunroof open, wind through my long hair, and Steven Tyler turned up to loud on the radio.  I’m a fan.

One more song for all you listeners/readers out there.  All two of you.

I’ve liked this song for some time now, but I saw it on a commercial for the first time this weekend.  Here’s the Asteroids Galaxy Tour’s full song and video for The Golden Age.

Not to be confused with Beck’s The Golden Age-

-which is a whole lot more mellow, and is even making me a little bit sleepy.  Fun fact: I used to listen to Sea Change (the album this song is from) to help me fall asleep in college.

Anyways.  I think it’s time to start thinking about sleep now, as well.  I wonder where I put my Beck CD’s…

2 comments on “Pancakes and Pop Tunes

  1. Do I count as one of those people? lol

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